Gaming for Boosting School Engagement of Students with Learning Disabilities
Ref. No 2019-1-LV01-KA201-060426
Our project and partnership show that gaming and esports can create engaged students. We want students with learning disabilities to feel a part of school and school life.
The project team is working on developing this content.
Saresti interessato a giocare regolarmente e in un modo organizzato a scuola? Delle 34 persone interpellate 32 hanno risposto SÌ e due NO. Un giocatore Ceco ha risposto no perchè preoccupato che far diventare il gaming obbligatorio lo avrebbe reso meno divertente mentre un giocatore portoghese vorrebbe il gaming a scuola solo nella sua forma competitiva.
Un gruppo di sei partners, coordinato dalla “Associazione Lettone per la Dislessia” della Lettonia, ha completato le attività del Progetto Gaming for Boosting School Engagement of Students with Learning Disabilities (Ref. No 2019-1-LV01-KA201-060426). Si tratta di un progetto europeo rivolto agli studenti con difficoltà di apprendimento ed affronta il problema dell’interesse di questi ragazzi verso la scuola.
Vyhodnocení druhého turnaje LoL ve Slovinsku, 5. – 7. října 2021, a postřehy k poučení V našem projektu o využití her k posílení školního zapojení studentů s poruchami učení jsme se rozhodli použít formát turnajů League of Legends (LoL), což je MOBA hra.
The findings of the feedback questionnaire of our group of around 30 gamers are exactly the same as they are in the overview of the theory of gains from gaming and e-sports – they develop participants’ cognitive abilities, improve social skills and mental well-being.
In the second part of our survey, we were interested in learning whether those gains would translate into a desire to continue gaming in school and what they would advise others. Read about what they told us.
Download your copy (in six languages) of the manual our project team created to help your school and others organise or create e-sports tournaments. It is in all of our partner languages: Latvian, Czech, Spanish, Italian, Portugese, Slovenian, and English.